North Augusta, SC
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NEW City Stormwater Pond Maintenance Agreement
Design Engineers: Please find out if your project is in a sensitive watershed prior to design (buffer requirements are different). The DHEC Water Quality Tool should be the first step in your design process.
Guidance on using the SCDHEC Water Quality Tool to prepare your application. Click to go to SCDHEC WQT.
Sediment & Erosion Control
As a component of the development process and the Stormwater Management Program, any public or private, industrial, commercial, or residential subdivision project that will be engaging in any land disturbing activity in the city is required to submit documentation to acquire a land disturbance (stormwater) permit from the city and and also a second permit from the state, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Construction (SCR10000).
Both permits can be acquired by submitting one application to the North Augusta Stormwater Management Department (click for a list of what is required to begin a project review).
Redevelopment and property enhancements to existing commercial and residential buildings may be exempt from this permitting requirement, but that is not always the case. Make sure to contact the Stormwater Management department to verify the requirements for your project.
The Stormwater Management Department is committed to providing each applicant assistance with the process. If at any time there is a question about obtaining, maintaining, or terminating a stormwater permit (city or state), you may contact our office for assistance.