The City of North Augusta is implementing a Water Service Line Material Inventory in compliance with regulations issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in a  recent ruling to reduce the risk of lead in drinking water. The EPA requires all water systems in the United States to verify the material of every water service line in their water distribution system. The EPA also requires the city to report the customers’ privately owned water service line material. 

The City's drinking water meets all Environmental Protection Agency and South Carolina Department of Environmental Control drinking water quality standards. We are committed to providing clean, safe, and reliable drinking water to all residents and businesses.

The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act of 1986 banned the use of lead pipes in water plumbing systems. Homes and commercial buildings built before 1987 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures, and solder. If your home was built after 1987 with a new water connection, you can be confident that you do not have a lead service line. 

The City of North Augusta is requesting, customers to complete an online survey to report the water service line material in their home or commercial building.

What is a service line?
A water service line has two components, private and city-owned. The city-owned service line, maintained by the city, is the section of pipe between the water main and the water meter. The private service line, maintained by the property owners, is the section of pipe that connects the meter to the home or commercial building plumbing system.

How does lead get into drinking water?
The City’s water does not contain any lead when it leaves the water treatment facility, and the water mains that distribute water throughout the City are not made of lead. The risk for lead comes from water service lines and other plumbing materials made with lead.



Water Service Line Material Survey

To complete the water service line material survey please complete the following steps:

Step 1
Your water service line is typically located near your main shut-off valve, in the basement, a crawl space, or garage. It is likely made of plastic, copper, galvanized or lead. Find an area to test on the pipe where it connects to your plumbing system.

Step 2
If your pipe is metal, use a refrigerator-type magnet to see if it sticks to the pipe. If it sticks, the pipe is made of galvanized steel. If the magnet does not stick, use a coin to scratch the pipe. If the scratch is copper-colored like a penny, the pipe is copper. The service line is made of lead if the scratched area is shiny and silver.

Step 3
Compare your pipe to the list below: 

Pipe Selection                  

 Step 4

Pictures 2

How to Reduce Lead Exposure
Frequently Asked Questions