North Augusta, SC
Home Sitemap ContactWatersheds and Basins
Watershed Basin signs you might see around town:
Below you can learn more about your watershed basin by learning where you are within our larger watershed and why it is important. We have a flyer that describes the watershed education program.
To get more information you can scroll through the information below and click on individual basins you are interested in. If you have questions or comments, just send them to us.
Below is a map of the basins and where signs will be placed.
Our City's Natural Resources: Watersheds, Basins, Streams, Creeks, Rivers, and Ponds
A watershed or drainage basin is an area of land where water drains to a common waterway such as a stream, lake, estuary, wetland, river, or even the ocean. Watersheds come in all shapes and sizes and cross local, state, or national boundaries. No matter where you are, you're in a watershed.
Watersheds are complex networks of water conveyances. Depending on what scale you look at (for instance: the entire United States, Individual States or local communities) a watershed basin can be broken down into sub-watersheds for each. Like a puzzle, the more pieces of the watershed you put together, the better picture you see and the more you understand about individual, state or country wide watersheds. The South Carolina watershed map gives us a better understanding of the basins here in North Augusta.
Savannah River Basin
North Augusta falls within the state watershed "the Savannah River Basin" which is divided into three regions: Tugaloo/Seneca, the Upper Savannah, and the Lower Savannah. Most of North Augusta is located in the Lower Savannah River Basin.
Lower Savannah River Basin Facts: | Details: |
Watersheds Incorporated | 15 |
Square Miles | 2,123 |
Acres | 1.3 million |
Forested Area | 61.0% |
Agricultural Area | 12.5% |
Barren Area | 9.84% |
Urban Area | 2.1% |
Forested Wetlands | 12.3% |
Non-forested Wetlands | 1.0% |
Water | 1.3% |
Stream Miles | 2,075 |
Note: Federal lands, such as the Savannah River Site and the Savannah River National Wildlife Refuge, form a sizable portion of this basin.
North Augusta's watershed map (above), is sub-basin of the Lower Savannah River Basin.
To learn more about the Savannah River Basin, look to SC DHEC's Savannah River Basin Watershed Water Quality Assessment.
Which basin do you live in?
Learn more about each basin by clicking the names below!